My Recently Visited Services

Email accounts include mailboxes, email addresses, and email forwarding associated with an email address. This includes account provisioning and account access, but not user login.

Ally is a tool offered at Cornell to help you make your online course materials more accessible. Directly integrated into the learning management system, Ally checks all content in your course. It then provides you with a report rating the accessibility of the various components of your course.

Configuration and deployment of service management tools, including TeamDynamix.

End-to-end custom web solutions and support for the Cornell community.

Physical computers and accessories for use by staff and faculty.

The Cornell Optional Email Alias (COEA) service allows eligible individuals to create a Cornell email address based on their name.

A static site uses only HTML to serve its pages, so you can use CSS, JavaScript, and server-side includes, but there are no provisions for CGI or other programming options.

Typical use? If you have a website that does not require back-end programming languages like ColdFusion or PHP, then static web hosting might be best suited for your needs.

Evaluation of site accessibility and options for remediation and improvement.

Support and configuration for cloud-based RingCentral accounts providing telephone service via desktop and mobile applications as well as desk phones.

The Center for Teaching Innovation (CTI) provides web server space for deploying dynamic web pages. The Academic Dynamic Web Hosting service offers web hosting space for the purpose of course instruction and coursework for Cornell courses. This service is provided for course-related work by faculty, instructional staff, and students in active university courses.

Installation and support for blue light, elevator, and building emergency phones.

Software installed on managed endpoints.

Document Management and Workflow allows for the electronic ingestion of both paper as well as existing electronic documents into a repository. Documents stored in the repository are indexed with a set of meta-data which enables quick search and retrieval. Along with the advantages gained from quick search and retrieval, documents are also able to be added to custom designed workflows that match your business process. Workflows have the ability to be as simple as you need them to be but also to employ sophisticated automation and integration with other systems, further saving time and increasing efficiencies.

Box is a free service for Cornell faculty, students, staff, and affiliates which allows you to share and collaborate on documents and other files online.

Web-based secure file transfer application.

Connect to a wireless network while on campus.

Wired network service is available in academic and administrative buildings on the Ithaca campus, as well as in some remote offices via Cornell Network Extension.

The CU Blogs service uses the WordPress platform and is hosted in the cloud by a 3rd party vendor, CampusPress.

CampusPress has WordPress's ease of use and most popular features, while keeping the service economical by focusing on providing only those features of greatest use to its entire community. Security and maintenance updates are managed by the vendor, making the CU Blog service an ideal option for Cornell faculty and staff looking for a fast, easy way to publish content and manage comments from across the web, using a standard set of features.

Free and fee-based tools that provide captioning and transcriptions of your online video.

Components of the printing service that are not managed by CUPrint, but that are made available through PrinterLogic and managed by CIT for CITSG customers.

Deals with jobs already generated in the schedule i.e. holding, canceling, rerun. Also includes any on-demand job requests or manual job run requests.

Computer equipment available for short-term use.

The NetID is the unique electronic identifier, which in conjunction with a password and multi-factor authentication (where applicable) permits secure access to non-public Cornell resources and information.

NetIDs are unique and permanent. The same NetID is never reassigned to more than one individual; if someone leaves the university and returns later, the original NetID is reactivated.

Project management software offered to staff. It provides bug and issue tracking and project management capability.

The Student and Alumni Information System is built on Oracle’s PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system, a comprehensive suite that Cornell uses to manage the student lifecycle. PeopleSoft Campus Solutions is used from recruiting and admissions to student services and alumni relations.