Computers & Accessories

Tags citsg

Physical computers and accessories for use by staff and faculty.

Accessory Request Computer Decommission Computer Deployment General Computer or Operating System Issue Hardware Issue New Computer Request General Support Service Administration

Service Offerings (8)

Accessory Request
Computer acessories and peripherals for staff and faculty.
Computer Decommission
Includes all aspects of removing a University owned computer from management.
Computer Deployment
Includes all aspects of provisioning, delivering, setup of computer to user or group.
General Computer or Operating System Issue
Report an issue with the operating system on a managed computer issued by Cornell.
Hardware Issue
Report an issue with physical computer equipment issued by Cornell.
New Computer Request
Requests for new computers for new hires, replacements, or extra computers.
Service Administration
This service entry is intended for CIT internal use, this is not a customer support form. Work classified and requested here represents service administration and management tasks that are required for delivering service but are activities that do not represent customer support work.