This page contains how-to pages for commonly used features related to Salesforce. They are roughly in order by popularity, but for best results, you may with to use the search bar at right to find what you're looking for.

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Categories (1)

General How-to's and Information

Aspects of Salesforce that are universal regardless of what your role or use case is.

Articles (28)

How to Use the Inline Editing Feature in the Salesforce Lighting Report Viewer

This article provides step by step instructions on inline editing for fields in a Salesforce report.

Logging in to Salesforce

How-to log into the ILR Salesforce org

Salesforce Quick Reference - Terms and Nomenclature

List of terms commonly used in Salesforce.

Basic Salesforce Navigation

Brief overview of the Nav Bar in Salesforce

Salesforce Outreach Activities Form Documents and Training

Links to Outreach Activity Form Docs and Training

Managing Free Event Attendance in Salesforce

Using Salesforce to check people in for in-person free events.

Create Sessions on Outreach Activities Forms

Using the Create Sessions button on the Outreach Activities Form screen

Accessing Apps (sets of tabs) in Salesforce

How to select which set of tabs to use

Adding additional tabs to the Nav Bar

How to add items to the Salesforce Nav Bar

Create an Opportunity from an Outreach Activity Form

Step-by-step instructions on how to create an Opportunity from an Outreach Activity Form.

Create an Outreach Activity Form from an Opportunity

Step-by-step instructions on how to create an Outreach Activity Form from an Opportunity

Searching in Salesforce

Searching for things in Salesforce

Change Owner of a Record in Salesforce

Change owner of records in ILR Salesforce.

Reporting and Calendaring for the Outreach Activity Form

Link to Powerpoint about reporting and calendaring.

Creating and Managing Calendars in Salesforce

Using the Salesforce Calendar with the Outreach Activities Form.

Switch between the Lightning and Classic user interfaces

Switching between Lightning and Classic

Configure Chatter Email Notifications

Managing Chatter email notifications.

Export Outreach Activities for import to Outlook Calendars

Exporting Outreach activity calendar data from Salesforce for import to Outlook.

Salesforce Data Diagram

Diagram showing types of data in the ILR Salesforce org and their relationships to each other. This is a simplification and does not show every data table and field.

Introduction to Salesforce for Outreach Video and Slides

45-minute introductory video on using Salesforce for ILR Outreach staff. Slides can be downloaded separately.

Report filtering for enrolled participants (Advanced)

Report filtering for enrolled participants (Advanced)

Salesforce Authenticator App

If Cornell's Single Sign-on authentication method goes down for an extended period of time, the Salesforce Authenticator App can be used to meet the multi-factor authentication requirement and login to Salesforce. These are instructions for downloading, installing, and setting up the Salesforce Authenticator App on a mobile device.

Logging in After a Sandbox Refresh

How to log into a sandbox following a refresh.

Subscribe to Reports in Salesforce

How to subscribe to reports in Salesforce

Opportunity Overview and Walkthrough

Overview and explanation of all fields in the Opportunity

Opportunity Stages

Using Stages to guide the Opportunity process.