Knowledge Base

Categories (17)

Business Databases and Support

Get access and support for a variety of administrative applications used at CCE.

These articles have moved to


Access and support for collaboration tools available to you


Set up and manage email, calendar, and other communication tools

Digital Accessibility

Information, training, and support about making your content digitally accessible

Distance Education

Utilize virtual learning environments, course tools, and course content delivered online

Hardware and Software

Software, computer repairs, backup service, and more

NetID and Access Management

Activate and manage computer accounts, access online services and resources, and more

Network and Internet

Support for wired and wireless internet access


Protect yourself from viruses, scams, and malware, and keep your information secure


Upcoming workshops, past recordings, and other training opportunities

Web Support

Website training and resources

Working Remotely

Information about technology for remote work, home office, and troubleshooting

For WSBN Staff

Articles pertaining to WSBN specific information only.

For Tompkins Staff

Articles pertaining to Tompkins specific information only.

For Greater Capital SBN Staff

Articles pertaining to Greater Capital SBN specific information only.

For Finger Lakes SBN Staff

Articles pertaining to Finger Lakes specific information only.

For CCE Suffolk Staff

Articles and SOP pertaining to Suffolk Specific information only.