Creating Salesforce Based Journeys

Tags salesforce


Creating Journeys based on Salesforce Subscriber Leads and/or Contacts has 5 components from start to finish.  Instructions for all of these components are available to the right hand side of this article, under Related Articles.

The first component of the process, in Salesforce, is the creation of a List View or Report.  The list view or report will gather specific leads in Salesforce that can be transferred to Campaign Monitor.  Next, a Subscriber List is generated in Salesforce.  The subscriber list will pull in the leads from either the list view or report and transfer them to Campaign Monitor.  Next a Journey is created.  After a list view or report is created and a subscriber list is generated and viewable in Campaign Monitor, a Company field is required on the Unbounce landing page.  If no Company field exists on the Unbounce landing page, one needs to be added.  A hidden company field can be used (a visible Company field is not required on the landing page).  The Company field will enable the lead to be transferred to Salesforce as Salesforce requires a Company field.  Last an API, such as Zapier, is necessary to move the leads from the Unbounce landing page into Salesforce.  Instructions for these additional steps can be found in to the right of this article, under Related Articles.  Please note, the instructions for Creating Subscriber Lists for Campaign Monitor also include instructions for creating List Views.

Below are instructions for creating Salesforce based Journeys.

1) Logon to the Campaign Monitor Website -

2) Select the ILR School, Cornell University account.

Image displaying that the ILR School, Cornell University account should be selected.


3) Once logged on, Choose Lists & Subscribers at the top of the page.

Image displaying the Lists & Subscribers tab within the Campaign Monitor website.


4) To the far right of the Subscriber List that has generated from Salesforce that you want to create a Journey, click on the 3 dots -> Add Journey.

Image displaying 3 vertical dots to the right of Subscriber Lists and the Add Segment selection underneath.


5) Under Name this Journey, provide an appropriate name to the Journey for the chosen subscriber list.  Ensure  Subscriber joins the list has a check mark on the upper right.

Image indicating where to add a new journey name and to verify Subscriber joins the list is checked.


6) Click the arrow to the right of Select the list this Journey will apply to then choose your subscriber list.  Click Build your journey.

Image displaying to use the drop-down arrow to select the appropriate Subscriber List.


7) A Journey with a blank canvas appears, ready for you to begin adding steps to the Journey.  Click the + arrow to add the first step to your Journey.

Image showing where to add a new step to the beginning of a Journey.


8) Each step of a Journey has 3 options - Delay, Email, Condition.  These options become visible when clicking on the plus arrow.

Image showing the 3 options for a step in a journey.

A. Delay: When a subscriber is added to your Subscriber List, you can identify when to contact them - within minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.  An oval Wait will appear when Delay is selected, allowing you to add a delay before an email communication is sent out to the subscriber/lead.  Add your delay information in the left hand side - Length of the delay - and click Save.

Image displaying Wait, the Delay option, can be added after a step, to delay the execution of the step for a set time period.          


Image showing the options for step execution delay, minutes, hours, or days.


Image of Save button, to make sure steps are saved.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If no Delay is added, if an Email is added to the Journey, the Email will send immediately.  If a Condition is added with no delay to a step, the Condition will be followed immediately.

B. Email: An email, with the content of your choice (usually a one page brochure graphic with some text), will be sent to the subscriber.  On the left hand side, after selecting Email, add in a Step Name, Subject, and all other applicable detail options and select Add email Content.

Image displaying the Email option.

Image displaying Step Name and Subject, Email fields that need to be filled in.

C. Condition: Define situations when the subscriber will receive an Email with your customized content.  Conditions are based on select Rules, such as Subscriber Details (e.g. a specific email address), Segment Membership (e.g. if a subscriber is a member of a Segment that has been setup, such as their an area of interest), Journey Activity (e.g. how the subscriber has responded to the Journey communications), Custom Fields (e.g. custom fields that have been added to Campaign Monitor to capture details about a subscriber), & Campaign Activity (e.g. Campaigns that are attached to this Journey).  Select Save when all of your Conditions details have been added.

Image displaying the third option, Condition.

Image showing required fields, Condition Name and Rule.


9) Add all of your Journey Delays, Emails, & Conditions, then click Turn on your Journey to activate your Journey and attach it to your subscriber list!

Image displaying Turn on Journey button, to turn on your completed Journey.


If you have difficulty accessing the information contained in this document or any document in this knowledgebase, please contact us at and we will assist you.

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Article ID: 1380
Sun 11/1/20 7:38 PM
Mon 5/16/22 2:32 PM

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