View Email Subscribers

To view and filter the list of email subscribers:

  1. If not already there, click the "CAHRS Home" tab.
  2. On the left side menu, click "Contacts" to open the Contacts viewing options.
  3. Click "All Email Subscribers (also includes Contacts who are subscribers)".
  4. To filter this list for specific situations:

Click the listview filter button: 

  1. In the Filters panel at right, click Account Name.
  2. Change filtering as desired.
  3. Important! Remember that an "Operator" in a filter is often "not equal to" by default, and needs to be changed to to "Equals" to use the filter.
  4. Click "Done"
  5. Click the "X" at the top of the filter panel to close it.
  6. All filtering changes will be reset as soon as you browse away from the page.

If you would like a custom filtered view, you can clone the listview, or contact Admin Apps support.


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Article ID: 6076
Thu 8/31/23 10:15 AM
Thu 8/31/23 10:15 AM