View Primary Contacts for Member Companies and Generate Primary Contact List as Word Doc

Viewing the List of Primary Contacts

To view a list of current primary contacts:

  1. If not already there, click the "CAHRS Home" tab.
  2. On the left side menu, click "Contacts" to open the Contacts viewing options.
  3. Click "Primary Active Contacts".

To filter this list for specific companies (bear in mind, there may be more than one company with the same name, so be sure to select them all):

  1. Click the filter button.
  2. In the Filters panel at right, click Account Name.
  3. Important! Click the "Operator" and change from "not equal to" to "Equals" for an exact match or "Contains" for a partial match.
  4. In the "Value" field, enter the company you're looking for.
  5. Click "Done"
  6. Click the "X" at the top of the filter panel to close it.

All filtering changes will be reset as soon as you browse away from the page.

If you would like a custom filtered view, you can clone the listview, or contact Admin Apps support.

Generate and Download the Primary Contact List as a Word Document

  1. Open any Contact (it doesn't matter if that Contact is a primary Contact or not)
  2. At the upper right of the Contact detail page, click the "CAHRS Primary Contacts" button.

  1. In the Conga screen that appears, click the "Merge and Download" button at the lower right.

A screenshot of the Conga Composer control panel allowing a user to merge and download a document.

To return to the record, either click the Back button in the browser or click the "Return to Contact" link at the top of the Conga control box.


If you have difficulty accessing the information contained in this document or any document in this knowledgebase, please contact us at and we will assist you.

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