Enter Sabbaticals and Leaves

Sabbaticals and other types of leave are represented by adding Teaching Activities that use a special type of Cornell Course.  There are 3 types of leaves and more can be added if the need arises.  To see all Cornell Courses that are not actually courses:

  1. Click the Cornell Course tab
  2. Select the view called "Operational non-courses"

The 3 types of leave that were represented here at the go-live for this system are:

  • Sabbatical
  • Parental Leave
  • Study Leave

Before recording a sabbatical (or other type of leave) you will need to know how much credit they get for that leave.  The system does not automatically know that.  Sabbaticals typically count for 1.5 classes.  If a person will take an entire year as a sabbatical, put that in with 2 sabbatical leave records of 1.5 classes each, so that they appear in the correct semesters.  Do NOT enter a single 1-year sabbatical worth 3 classes.  You will also need to manually override the calculation of the term and year

To record a sabbatical or other type of leave:

  1. Open the faculty member's Contact record
  2. In the right-hand column, in the Teaching Activities block, click the "New" button

  1. Fill out the form.  The faculty member's name will be automatically filled in, but you will need to fill in the rest of the fields.
    • Cornell Course should be "Sabbatical" (or another type of leave)
    • Credit Amount should be 1.5 for Sabbatical (or another amount for a different type of leave)
    • YearTerm Override should be the year and term in the format of "2023SP" or "2023FA".  Note that for normal classes the year and term are automatically filled in, but not for leaves.
    • Explanation can optionally include additional information about this leave.
    • Do NOT click "projected".  Leave that unchecked.
    • Click the "Save" button or "Save & New" if you wish to immediately add another leave type for this faculty member.
    • Calculations for banked credit stat fields will occur as soon as the record is saved, but you may need to refresh the Contact record to view them.



If you have difficulty accessing the information contained in this document or any document in this knowledgebase, please contact us at access-ilr@cornell.edu and we will assist you.

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Article ID: 3807
Wed 1/25/23 9:34 AM
Fri 2/3/23 11:08 AM