Adding Hidden Field to Unbounce Landing Page


Add a hidden field to a new or existing Unbounce landing page.



The following instructions will guide you through the process of adding a hidden field to an Unbounce landing page.  Adding a hidden Company field with a value of Unbounce to a landing page will allow the lead to enter Salesforce.  After a hidden Company field with a value of Unbounce is setup on the appropriate landing page, an API connection between Unbounce and Salesforce is necessary to transfer the lead.  An API, such as Zapier, can be used for this purpose.  For instructions on using Zapier to transfer Unbounce leads to Salesforce, view the Team Dynamix Knowledge Article - Using Zapier to Transfer Unbounce Leads to Salesforce.  There is a link to this article on the right hand side of this article, under Related Articles.

The instructions below are specifically catered to those who need to add a hidden "Company" field to an Unbounce landing page for the purpose of transferring Unbounce leads into Salesforce, as Salesforce requires a Company field for a lead. 

Although the guide below is for the objective of creating a hidden "Company" field, these instructions can be used to add any hidden field on an Unbounce landing page.


1) Logon to the Unbounce website ->

2) Ensure All Pages is selected on the top left hand side.

Image of the All Pages link within Unbounce.


3) Locate and click on the desired landing page you want to add a hidden field to.

Image of an example of a specific landing page.

TIP If the landing page isn't easy to locate and you know the name of the landing page, type part of the landing page name into the Search Pages search box and select the Enter key on the keyboard.

Image of the Search Pages search box to find the desired landing page you're looking for.


4) You will be brought into a statistics Overview page/tab.  Choose Preview on the top right.

Image of the Statistics overview page where the Preview option can be selected.


5) Click Edit on the top right to Edit the page.

Image of the selectable Edit button.


6) On the page, locate the box that contains the grouping of fields that gather information from the lead -> double click on the box.

Image of landing page fields.


7) The Design Your Form dialog box will appear.  Under Custom Fields, on the top left within the dialog box -> double click on Hidden Fields.  A new field or box labelled Untitled will appear at the bottom of all the other defined fields/boxes.  If necessary, scroll down to see the Untitled hidden field.  Click to select the new hidden Untitled field.

Image of fields that are present, can be added, and type of field available (email, first name, etc.).


8) Underneath Field Name and ID, type in Company.  This is the field label or heading.  Underneath Default Value, type Unbounce.

Image of example of adding a hidden field for a Company.

9) Select Save on the top right hand side.

Image of Save button after changes have been made.


10) Choose Overview to return to the landing pages Overview tab.

Image of Overview button to return to the default view of the landing page you edited.


11) Within the Overview tab, click on the landing page web link - that's to the right of Change URL, and enter a test lead.  This test lead is necessary so Unbounce includes the new Company hidden field to the fields that are available to map.

Image of link for the landing page you're viewing.


12) After you've submitted a facticious new lead, click the Back arrow to return to the Unbounce landing page Overview tab.

Image of Back arrow to return to Overview tab.

13) Select your logon name on the top right -> Log Out

Image of drop-down arrow to enable Logging off of the Unbounce website.


If you have difficulty accessing the information contained in this document or any document in this knowledgebase, please contact us at and we will assist you.



Article ID: 1376
Thu 10/29/20 6:29 PM
Mon 5/16/22 9:48 AM

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