How Hierarchical Companies Work

Hierarchical companies allow for branch offices or alternate locations of the same company.  Normally CAHRS does not have branch offices, but other groups using Salesforce do, and some CAHRS people may be in those branch offices.  To accommodate this, CAHRS companies have a "Master Account" which allows branch offices to be associated with the headquarters company.

A good example of this is Accenture.  Accenture has many branch offices.  Branch offices link to the headquarters through the "Master Account" field.  In the screenshot below, note that Accenture LLP has "Accenture" as the Master Account.  Accenture LLP is the branch office, which links to Accenture's headquarters office via the Master Account link.

Screenshot showing an Accenture branch office linking to its headquarters account via the Master Account.

If a CAHRS staff member would like to create a branch office, follow this process:

  1. In general you will follow the add new Account procedure with the following changes
  2. After entering the name of the new Account
  3. Click the Master Account field
  4. Type the name of the Account that should be the master (note that the name may be the same as the new Account you are creating)
  5. Click "Show All Results for" the company you are searching
  6. Find the one that has the checkbox in the "CAHRS top of Account Hierarchy" and click on that to select it as the Master Account
  7. Continue filling out the new Account creation form
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Article ID: 6465
Thu 1/18/24 12:24 PM
Thu 1/18/24 12:31 PM