Adobe Sign

The Electronic Signature service, using Adobe Sign, gives you the ability to send documents and collect signatures electronically for approval. Adobe Sign works within your existing systems and processes, and the e-signatures are secure and legal. You can also digitize existing signing processes, such as applications, enrollments, or other form-based documents.

Service Management Information:
Service: Electronic Signature
Service Offering: Adobe Sign

Adobe Sign Access Create/Add to Adobe Sign Group Personal Adobe Account Conflict General Support Service Administration

Service Offerings (5)

Adobe Sign Access
Enrollment in Adobe sign as an admin or sender.
Create/Add to Adobe Sign Group
Creation or change of an Adobe Sign group.
Personal Adobe Account Conflict
Unable to enroll new user in Adobe sign because there is a personal account conflict error.
Service Administration
This service entry is intended for CIT internal use, this is not a customer support form. Work classified and requested here represents service administration and management tasks that are required for delivering service but are activities that do not represent customer support work.