Cloud Infrastructure

Enables Cornell faculty and staff (but not students) to opt-in to use Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Azure services under a master contract between Cornell and Amazon or Microsoft respectively.

AWS Regulated Buckets Data Storage Billing & Cost Management Cloud Account Provisioning Configure AWS SSO General Support Service Administration


Service ID: 174
Thu 3/19/20 12:54 PM
Mon 3/20/23 1:44 PM
The customer groups that the service is available to
IT Professionals
Indicates whether there is a charge for the service

Service Offerings (6)

AWS Regulated Buckets Data Storage
Request Cornell AWS Regulated Buckets Data Storage for secure storage and movement of Low, Medium or High risk data in AWS.
Billing & Cost Management
Issues about cloud billing, spend analysis, or cost management techniques.
Cloud Account Provisioning
New/onboarding accounts & retiring/offboarding cloud accounts.
Configure AWS SSO
Request to enable AWS SSO in your customer account. For detailed information about AWS SSO requests, see
General Support
General consulting on the use of public Cloud infrastructure under our Entrprise Agreements.
Service Administration
This service entry is intended for CIT internal use, this is not a customer support form. Work classified and requested here represents service administration and management tasks that are required for delivering service but are activities that do not represent customer support work.