Server Backup

Provides data backup for servers and specialized systems.


New Cohesity Org Create Subscription Modify Subscription Cancel Subscription Backup Failure General Support Service Administration


Service ID: 156
Tue 3/10/20 1:32 PM
Mon 7/31/23 10:53 AM
The customer groups that the service is available to
IT Professionals
Indicates whether there is a charge for the service

Service Offerings (7)

New Cohesity Org
A Cohesity Org is the basic container that backups will live in. It should be considered a security boundary. It should be considered a security boundary. Any user that has access to the Org will also have access to all of the backup data created within it.
Create Subscription
Create new subscription.
Modify Subscription
Modify characteristics of a subscription.
Cancel Subscription
Cancel subscription.
Backup Failure
Issues with backups failing.
General Support
General Support.
Service Administration
This service entry is intended for CIT internal use, this is not a customer support form. Work classified and requested here represents service administration and management tasks that are required for delivering service but are activities that do not represent customer support work.