CCE Monroe - Add group e-mail on iPad

We recommend that you use Microsoft's Outlook App for iOS rather than iOS's native app. See Microsoft's Outlook App for iOS Mobile support page for download and setup instructions. 

  1. Open Outlook app
  2. Enter in the volunteer account (ex.
  3. Tap Add Account
  4. Enter in the volunteer password
    • The volunteer account will load BUT do NOT use this inbox for sending/receiving e-mail.  It does not accept incoming e-mails because it is not a fully functioning e-mail account.
  5. Tap on Profile icon in the top left corner of the Outlook app
  6. In left sidebar, below Profile icon, tap on the new Inbox icon under profile icon, and tap to select Add Shared Mailbox
  7. Enter in the group e-mail account (ex. and tap Add Shared Mailbox

Once both accounts are set up, configure Outlook to use the group e-mail account (ex. and the default mail.

  1. Tap on the icon in the upper left corner to select group e-mail account (ex. M for

  2. Tap on the gear icon in the bottom left corner

  3. Scroll down to Default and make sure it's set to the group e-mail account (ex.

Configure an e-mail signature

If you just finished the above, continue with next steps.  If you are not in settings, go through steps 1 and 2 above to return to Settings.

  1. Within settings, scroll down to Signature and tap to select it.
  2. Set up your preferred e-mail signature for this device.
