Application Management Reports


How to get reporting information from the Application Management system.


There are 6 "views" of the application management list. Each is linked and explained below. Most of the views are grouped by department, allowing the user to focus on relevant information. Views can be exported to Excel using the Export to Excel button at the top of each view:

There are two ways to access the various views:

Screenshot of home page highlighting list of views in right-hand column.

  • Within any view, click on the name of the view on the bar above the list, to select other views from a drop-down menu:

Screenshot of menu bar with view drop-down link highlighted

List of views:

  • Application management (default) view : The most commonly needed fields, grouped by department, sorted alphabetically
  • Application renewals by fiscal year​​​ : Grouped by department and then grouped by fiscal year, sorted by date in order from earlier to later, and includes a total for the cost. This view shows you when renewals will come up during the year, and how much the cost will be for the year.
  • Application ownership audit view​: Shows the people who have been designated as getting notifications for each application. Review this to determine if any changes need to be made in responsibilities.
  • Financial view: Grouped by department and then grouped by fiscal year, shows fields related to finance.
  • Data types and compliance view​: Alphabetical list of all applications and their data classifications and compliances.
  • All fields​​​: Alphabetical list of all applications with all fields.




Article ID: 967
Wed 8/26/20 11:01 AM
Wed 8/26/20 1:29 PM