Make a company a member or remove a company as a member


How to manage CAHRS membership status on Account (company) records in Salesforce.


Companies can be associated with CAHRS but not actually be members.  For instance they may be prospective customers, they may be past customers, or they may be associated with email subscribers.  Any companies that have any relationship to CAHRS are designated as such using the "Special Handling" field.  If Special Handling = "CAHRS" then that company has some tie to CAHRS.  There are thousands of companies with this designation.

Making a company a member:

For a company to actually be a member, in addition to Special Handling, two other fields must be set properly: "Partnerships", and "CAHRS Company Type" as follows (note that if there is more than one version of the company, as often occurs in Salesforce due to branch office locations, you MUST do this process on all versions of the company):

  • Open the company record
  • Partnerships must be set to "CAHRS Member"
  • CAHRS Company Type must be set to "Partner/Customer"
  • CAHRS Prospect Type must be set to "Current Prospect"

Once these fields on a company are set as such, the company will appear on lists and reports as a member and all CAHRS-affiliated people under that company will immediately switch to showing as being at a CAHRS member company as well.  This will occur via the "CAHRS Member Company" checkbox being checked on the Contact records of those people.

Removing membership status from a company:

To remove membership status, the process is similar, though not exactly the same (note that if there is more than one version of the company, as often occurs in Salesforce due to branch office locations, you MUST do this process on all versions of the company):

  • Remove "CAHRS Member" from the Partnerships field
  • Change the CAHRS Company Type to "Non-Partner"
  • Change the CAHRS Prospect Type field to be an appropriate option, for example, "Past Prospect"

Once this is done, all CAHRS-affiliated people under that company will immediately switch to showing as being not at a CAHRS Member company, via the "CAHRS Member Company" checkbox on that Contact record, which will be unchecked.



Article ID: 6358
Wed 11/15/23 8:25 AM
Wed 6/5/24 10:09 AM