Add a New Account (Company)


A field-by-field CAHRS-specific walkthrough of the Account object.


In Salesforce a "Company" is referred to as an "Account".  Be aware that there are several types of Accounts in Salesforce, including companies, as well as Cornell departments.  There also may be duplicate Accounts.  Some of these are legitimate, reflecting different branch offices of the same company or even different companies with the same or similar names.

Before adding a new Account, check if the Account is already in Salesforce by using the search bar at the top.  Note that there may be more than one Account with the same name.  But one of the Accounts may be designated as a CAHRS account.  After you search, this will be shown in the search results, in the "Special Handling", "Partnerships", and "CAHRS Top of Account Hierarchy" fields.  If a company is found with a different address, in the case of CAHRS, do not add duplicate companies with different addresses.  Either use one designated as CAHRS or contact Admin Apps support.

List of two duplicate accounts, one being a CAHRS account and the other not, illustrating the way to tell the difference.

Assuming no Account exists, proceed as follows to add a new Account:

  1. Along the Nav Bar at the top of the screen, select "Account"
  2. Click the "New" button that appears above the list of Accounts.
  3. If you see a "New Account" selection screen, select "External Organization".​
  4. A Form will appear for you to fill out.  Although required fields are marked with asterisks, for CAHRS Accounts, be sure to consider the following additional items

Company Contact Information Section:

  • The Account Name is the name of the company and is required.
  • Generally you can ignore the Master Account field unless this is an additional office or location of an existing company.  If this is an additional office or location of an existing company, contact IT support unless you are absolutely sure of how the hierarchy mechanism works for CAHRS.  If you wish to proceed without contacting support, follow these instructions to link a branch to a Master Account, then return here to finish this procedure.
  • Optionally, select a company type.
  • Optionally, enter an Email address for the company.  Bear in mind that this should likely be a generic address and not a specific person.
  • Optionally, enter a Phone number.
  • Enter at least a city and state for the billing address as this will help with identifying the company during deduplication processes.
  • Optionally, enter a shipping address if different than the billing address.

CAHRS-Specific Fields Section:

  • Special Handling should always be set to "CAHRS".
  • If the Account is a CAHRS Member, in Partnerships, select "CAHRS Member".
  • Select a CAHRS Company Type.  If the company is a CAHRS Member, select "Partner/Customer"
  • Select a CAHRS Prospect Type.

Other Section:

  • Optionally, enter the company's Website.
  • Optionally, select an Industry type (Note - these are New York State standard designations).
  • Optionally, select an Industry Subtype.
  • Optionally, enter relevant description information.

Legacy Information Section:

  • Ignore all fields in this section.

System Information Section:

  • Ignore all fields in this section.

Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen, or click "Save & New" to immediately begin creating another Account.


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Article ID: 6056
Wed 8/30/23 12:02 PM
Thu 1/18/24 12:34 PM