Current Order of Operations for Course Evaluations



Timing Task Responsible
  Note: Steps are the same whether it is for the fall or spring semester.  Timings are listed for both semesters in the left hand column.  Classes offered during the Cornell winter and summer sessions are evaluated by the School of Continuing Education and Summer Session.  
  7 week 1 classes  
Late Sept./early Oct. for fall semester  & Late Feb./early March for spring semester 7-week evals is an ILR-only process.  Registrar notification to begin to prep data, dates evals will open and close, classes to be evaluated.  If there are classes with TAs that will be evaluated make sure the TAs are on the course in Peoplesoft (as much as possible). RS
  Ready system to accept data. CH
  Pull data from the datamart and add to tables (truncate courses, courseEvalEnroll, and answers), the eval system when Caroline is ready.   DE
  Data is reviewed to insure that all classes being evaluated are included, instructors and TAs are listed correctly, and all parts of cross-listed and co-meeting classes are present.  Review continues until data is correct.  Data review is done through test tables. DE/CH/JW/RS
  Once data is correct load to real tables.  After data is loaded to real tables any changes must be done manually. DE
  Last data check before go live (this is the last opportunity to make any manual changes to the data).  Edit templates if necessary and assign templates to courses.  If any courses need to be removed from evals it can be done by using “Select courses to evaluate”.  RS/JW/CH
  Test as needed. RS/JW/DE/CH
  Set up initial notification email and reminder email templates. CH
Mid-October for fall semester &  Mid-March for spring semester (ideally the last week of 7w1 classes) Open evals by setting the global value to Y and send out initial notification email. JW
  Reminder emails every other day, and then every day for the last two days. JW
  Possible trouble tickets and reset requests from students.  Trouble tickets go to Jenn Weidner for resolution. JW
  Close evals by setting global value to N. JW
  Enterprise Manager- export tables into the backup tables, make note of the 7 week 1 courses and set them to not be evaluated in prep for end of semester evals.  This is so students cannot submit additional evals for 7w1 classes during the end of semester eval period. CH/DE
  End of Semester Evaluations  
  These are done via a shared portal that is maintained by A&S.  A decision will be made by the group of colleges using the portal re: timing.  Evals typically start the last day of Nov./first day of December for the fall semester, and the middle of the first week of May for the spring semester.  Evals typically end both semesters on the last day of the study period before final exams begin.  
Early Nov. for fall semester & mid April for spring semester Make sure TAs are added to discussion sections in Peoplesoft. RS
  Pull data from the datamart and add to tables in the eval system when Caroline is ready. DE
  Data is reviewed to insure that all classes being evaluated are included, instructors and TAs are listed correctly, and all parts of cross-listed and co-meeting classes are present.  Review continues until data is correct.  Data review is done through test tables. DE/CH/JW/RS
  Once data is correct load to real tables.  After data is loaded to real tables any changes must be done manually. DE
  Last data check before go live (this is the last opportunity to make any manual changes to the data).  Edit templates if necessary and assign templates to courses.  If any courses need to be removed from evals it can be done by using “Select courses to evaluate”.  RS/JW/CH
Mid Nov. for fall semester and late April for spring semester. Test as needed.   RS/JW/DE/CH
  Add auditors from other colleges for testing. CH
  Double check that cross-listed courses where ILR is not the parent are being evaluated by their parent college. CH
Late Nov./early Dec. for fall semester & early May for spring semester Go live.  All emails and reminders to students are sent via the shared portal (managed by the College of Arts & Sciences) on the agreed upon dates.   A&S
  Possible trouble tickets and reset requests from students.  Trouble tickets go to Jenn Weidner for resolution if the class is in ILR.  Jenn will forward any tickets to appropriate staff in other colleges for non-ILR classes. JW
Mid Dec. for fall semester & mid May for spring semester. Evaluations close.  
  Response Data Reporting   
Early/mid Jan. for fall semester & early/mid June for spring semester Fill in course types (small/large, required/elective), and TAs for comments files. RS/JW
  Run reports and notify when they are ready. CH
  This cannot be done until all grades are submitted and the final posting process has been run by OUR. RS
  “Houtenville” reports sent to Rebecca and Sr. Assoc. Dean. CH

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Article ID: 4112
Wed 5/24/23 4:13 PM
Wed 5/24/23 4:46 PM