Uploading Salesforce activity data to Watermark Insights


How to upload data into Watermark Insights from Salesforce.


Through the year the activities of Extension staff and faculty is tracked in Salesforce, and in the Spring semester of each year this data is imported into Watermark Insights.  Timing can be a bit dodgy because it must jibe with the Dean's Office schedule as well as when program data is available for use in Salesforce.  This date keeps getting earlier and earlier, to coincide with performance evaluations getting earlier, so we are now doing this in mid-February instead of the March/April timeframe.

Salesforce process:

There are two reports in Salesforce that properly format all the data from the Event/Class object, but the date filter needs to be changed each year to the appropriate reporting period.

The reports are called:

  • Activity Insight Export Program Admins
  • Activity Insight Export Instructors

Open each and export, with Details Only to CSV.

Email both reports to Theresa Woodhouse, who has the admin role in Watermark and is the only person who can do imports.  Arrange to meet with her to go through the process together.

Watermark Insights process:

Note that this procedure needs to be followed closely to avoid overwriting with incorrect data.  The Program Admins file MUST be loaded first.  The Instructors report is the only report that has the AI role of "Program Administrator/Instructor" (both).  Therefore it (Instructors) MUST be loaded last, to overwrite any data that was imported from the first report that designates people as Program Admin only.

  • The order in which the reports must be imported to AI is Program Admins first, followed by Instructors.
  • The following steps will occur twice, once for Program Admins and again for Instructors
  1. On Theresa's AI screen, click Tools
  2. Click Work Requests
  3. Click Data Import
  4. Click Browse and select the desired file
  5. Choose "USERNAME" as the column containing the unique identifier
  6. Choose "DM Username" as the type of unique user identifier
  7. Select the first radio button, to update and import data
  • Example:

Screenshot of upload screen in Watermark with defaults selected.

Both Instructors and Program Admin imports are the identical procedure.

Following the import, choose several faculty to spot-check in AI.  Art Wheaton and Nellie Brown are good tests.


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Article ID: 3868
Tue 2/21/23 9:11 AM
Tue 2/21/23 9:12 AM