CCSS Secure Data Services will upload files to or download files from the Secure Data Services systems. When requesting a file transfer, the user assumes primary responsibility for complying with the terms of all existing data use agreements pertaining to the user's project. Please plan for up to two business days to complete your file transfer request dependent on volume of requests, complexity of the files, and staffing. CRADC will work with you to define a time-line for large( 100+files) file transfer requests.

Use the instructions below for file transfers on the CRADC servers or the Secure Standalone Enclave. For the RSCH servers, see "How to transfer files to or from the research servers" on the Transferring Files page.

Steps for Requesting a File Download from a Secure Data Services System:
1. Use 7-Zip on the secure system to compress your file(s) in a .zip file for download
2. Place the .zip file in your authorized folder on the file server (S:\ for CRADC or C:\ for the Secure Standalone Enclave)
3. Fill in all the fields in the form below and click "Submit Request"

Steps for Requesting a File Upload to the Secure Data Services System:
1. Create a .zip file with all the files you want placed on the secure system
2. Scan the .zip file with an antivirus software
3. Fill in all the fields in the form below and click "Submit Request"
4. Files less than 5 GB should be sent to via Cornell Secure File Transfer If the file is too large or you don't have a Cornell Network Account, please contact CCSS Secure Data Services at for assistance.
Secure System Name
Secure System Name
I agree to Contents
I agree to Contents

Other Fields

Your name
Verification Code