EndNote software is a bibliographic and reference software used by the college. Information about the capabilities and limitations of the software is available from the manufacturer at EndNote - Product Information.
The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) maintains a site license for EndNote to help further the research goals of the college. Our licensing has the following conditions:
- Is available to all current CALS faculty, undergraduate students, graduate students, and staff
- Can be installed on your work computer and up to 3 personal devices
- Is available for both Macintosh and Windows computers
- Available on Mann Library public computers
This software is only available to those with a current association with CALS. Once you graduate or pursue other career opportunities outside the college, you are required to uninstall any instances of EndNote provided by this agreement.
The following instructions will guide you through the installation process.
macOS Installation
CALS OIT Managed Macs
If you're installing EndNote on a Mac that is managed by CALS OIT, see the instructions below. For installation on a personally owned Mac, see the next section.
- If you have an existing EndNote installation, before upgrading backup your EndNote reference libraries (both the .enl EndNote libraries and corresponding .Data folders).
- Click the Self Service icon on the Dock or from the Finder click the Go menu, select Applications, and double-click on the Self Service icon.
- In the Self Service window, click on the word Install which is next to the EndNote icon. EndNote will be downloaded and installed. When the installation is complete you should briefly see the notification “EndNote has been installed and can be found in the Applications folder.”
- The first time you use EndNote, follow the on-screen instructions so that the Cite While You Write feature can be added to Microsoft Word.
- If you still do not see an EndNote tab in Microsoft Word, use the EndNote Customizer to enable Cite While You Write:
- Save your work and fully quit Microsoft Word
- Launch EndNote (Finder > Applications > EndNote)
- In the Menu Bar at the top-left of the screen, click EndNote > Customizer
- Check “Cite While You Write” (if it is not already checked)
- Click “Next”
- Click “Next”
- Click “Done”
Personally Owned Mac
If you are installing the software onto a personal or unmanaged computer please download the program. The download of EndNote is maintained in a secure location that requires your Cornell NetID and a confirmed association with CALS to access.
Windows Installation
CALS OIT Managed PCs
If you're installing EndNote on a PC that is managed by CALS OIT, see the instructions below. For installation on a personally owned PC, see the next section.
- Click on the Start Menu and enter Software Center into the search window.
- Click on Software Center.
- Click the Applications tab on the left-hand side of the window.
- Click EndNote in the list of applications.
- Click Install.
Personally Owned PCs
If you are installing the software onto a personal, or unmanaged computer, please download the program. The download of EndNote is maintained in a secure location that requires your Cornell NetID and a confirmed association with CALS to access.
- Download the application from: EndNote 21 for Microsoft Windows
- Right-click the file you downloaded ( and select “Extract All”.
- Choose a location to extract the contents of the ZIP file, so you can find the extracted files easily. Your Desktop is good.
- Navigate to the extracted files.
- Verify that 2 files are in the folder EN21Inst.msi and License.dat
- Run the EN21Inst.msi application to install EndNote
Installation Assistance
If you have problems accessing or installing this software, please contact us for assistance.