EndNote for CALS


Describes how to install CALS site licensed EndNote software.



EndNote software is a bibliographic and reference software used by the college. Information about the capabilities and limitations of the software is available from the manufacturer at EndNote - Product Information.


The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) maintains a site license for EndNote to help further the research goals of the college. Our licensing has the following conditions:

  • Is available to all current CALS faculty, undergraduate students, graduate students, and staff 
  • Can be installed on your work computer and up to 3 personal devices
  • Is available for both Macintosh and Windows computers
  • Available on Mann Library public computers

This software is only available to those with a current association with CALS. Once you graduate or pursue other career opportunities outside the college, you are required to uninstall any instances of EndNote provided by this agreement.


The following instructions will guide you through the installation process.

Installation Assistance

If you have problems accessing or installing this software, please contact us for assistance.



Article ID: 840
Thu 7/30/20 2:50 PM
Mon 10/28/24 9:25 AM