Running Computer Asset Reports


CALS OIT's computer asset inventory system allows our customers to run ad-hoc computer asset reports.  These reports will generate a list of all CALS OIT managed computers in your department and will include the following important data points:

  • Computer Name
  • Computer Serial Number
  • User
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Status
    • Deployed - This means the computer has checked in with our management systems within the last 30 days.
    • Inactive - This means the computer has NOT checked in with our management systems in the last 30 days.
  • Last Scan Date - This is the last date/time that the computer checked in with our management system.
  • Acquired - This is the date when the computer was purchased.
  • Warranty Expiration

Note: Access to run asset reports is maintained by CALS OIT.  Please submit a request via our standard request form if you would like access or have other asset report-related questions.


  1. Navigate to our ticketing system's client portal Reports section
  2. Scroll down until you see the section titled CALS Dept Asset Reports
  3. Click on your department's asset report
  4. Click on Run Report

If you'd like you can export the report to Excel using the button titled To Excel.


Article ID: 2965
Thu 9/16/21 1:59 PM
Fri 1/26/24 9:51 AM