Waterfall Permissions


Overview of Box's "Waterfall Permissions"

  • Permission levels in Box follow a "waterfall" design, access trickles down, in which individuals only have access to the folder they are invited into and all subfolders beneath it. When an individual is invited to be an Editor on a parent folder, they will also have Editor permissions on all subfolders and files beneath it. You can also be invited to individual files which will only allow you to have access to that file and not to its parent folder.
  • Video reference - https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043697254-Understanding-Folder-Permissions


Examples of "Waterfall Permissions"

  • If User A is invited to the "Projects" folder as an Editor, they will have Editor access to the "Projects" folder as well as the entire folder structure underneath the "Projects" folder. Highlighted in green below.
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  • If User B is invited to the "Project Increo" folder as a Viewer, they will have Viewer access to only the "Project Increo" folder and all of its subfolders and files. Highlighted in green below.
    • Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


  • When User B looks at their All Files, they will only see the "Project Increo" folder, not the "Projects" folder.
    • Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)



Article ID: 3853
Mon 2/13/23 11:41 AM
Mon 3/6/23 10:41 AM