Search for Files, Folders, and Content


How to Search:

To search for a file or folder, click into the search bar shown in the center of the header. As you begin typing, suggested results will appear below the search bar. If one of the suggested results is the item you need, simply click on it to be taken to it directly. If you would like to see all the results for your search query or if you don’t see the file or folder you are looking for, press Enter/Return on your keyboard or click See all results at the bottom of the list of suggested results.  Note: the order of results in the drop-down may vary from the full results page. Based on your enterprise settings, the results themselves may differ as well.



 Using Search Filters: 

Use filters to narrow down your search results:



To open the filter menu, click the Search Options icon on the right side of the search bar. Under the Content Filters tab, you can filter results by file type, date modified, and file owner. Under the Metadata tab, you can filter results using custom metadata fields.

You can also set filters after viewing all search results from the search results page. Use the drop-downs at the top of the screen to filter by file type, file size, date modified, file owner, or custom metadata.




Search Suggestions
Use search suggestions to find alternatives for incorrectly spelled search terms.

  • Box’s search engine suggests an alternative “did you mean” search option for incorrectly spelled terms.
  • Click on the suggestion to execute a new query for the correctly spelled word.

Note: Search suggestions are available when the web page language is set to English.

Exact Match

Use double quotes (“ “) to search for exact matches on phrases.

Note: Exact searches do not return search matches based on specific character sequences. Instead, they return matches based on phrases, that is, word sequences. For example: A search for "Blue-Box" may return search results including the sequence "", "Blue Box", and "Blue-Box"; any item containing the words "Blue" and "Box" consecutively.


For more information, see the original article from Box here:



Article ID: 3838
Fri 2/10/23 10:48 AM
Thu 3/2/23 2:57 PM