How to Remote Desktop to Cornell Networked PC (From a PC)

How to Remote Desktop to Cornell Networked PC (From a PC)

Step 1: Find Computer Name from Device You Plan on Remoting To –

  1. Open File Explorer from Windows Taskbar at the bottom of your screen
  2. Right-Click on This PC and select Properties

  3. Under Computer name, domain, and workgroup settings section – write down the Full computer name, here is an example:


Step 2: Remoting to Networked PC –


  1. You will need to have the Cisco VPN installedIf not already installed please follow steps provided in the How to Install Cisco VPN Client on a PC instructions -
  2. You will need to be connected to the JCB-VPN – Please follow steps provided in the Connecting to the VPN instructions -
  3. Once connected to the JCB-VPN, click the Windows 10 icon  on the bottom-right of your screen and type Remote Desktop
  4. Select the Remote Desktop Connection App   
  5. Once the app launches, select the down arrow next to Show Options
  6. Enter the Full computer name you found in Step 1 into the Computer: field
  7. Enter cornell\”your NetID” in the User name: field – Ex. cornell\kdf52
  8. Select the checkbox that states Allow me to save credentials
  9. Click Connect
  10. You should see a pop-up dialog box asking for a password, enter your Cornell NetID password and check the box that says Remember me
  11. Click OK
  12. If you see a pop-up stating “The identity of the remote computer cannot be verified, Click Yes to connect



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