To make sure you are sending messages with the most current and updated Distribution List email address.
- Clear your auto-complete data for that list. To do this:
- Open a new mail message
- On the “To…” line start typing the list name. For this example “Johnson All Faculty”
- Click the X to delete the old address information
2. Pull the fresh updated list membership from the Address Book. To do this:
- Click the “To… “ button.
- Under “Address Book” make sure “Global Address List” is selected
- Then use the box under “Search” to find and re-select “Johnson All Faculty”
Want to stop using Auto-complete or empty the list to start fresh?
- Empty Auto-Complete List
- From the top menu bar on your Outlook client, Select “File” => “Options”
- In the left pane select “Mail”. In the right pane scroll down to the “Send messages” pane.
Click the “Empty Auto-Complete List” button to start fresh
Click the check box next to “Use Auto-Complete List to suggest names…” to turn the feature off
Cornell SC Johnson College of Business Helpdesk – – 607-255-6300