For individuals who would like to share and receive email from their colleagues about fund raising opportunities, local theater productions, or personal sales, we have a college-wide, SC Johnson Casual List.
How do I join the list? To join this list, click this link SC_JOHNSON-CASUAL-L to open a pre-addressed email message. Leave the message body blank, as pictured below. If you auto-populate a signature on new messages, make sure to remove it!
Or open a new email message, address it to and simply put the word join in the subject line. Please leave the message area blank, before sending the email. Within a few minutes you will receive a welcome email letting you know that you are now part of the casual list.
How do I leave the list? If you want unsubscribe from casual list messaging, click this link SC_JOHNSON-CASUAL-L and please leave the message area blank, before sending it.
Or open a new email message address it to and put the word leave in the subject line (leave the message area blank as shown above), then send your message. Within a few minutes you will receive an email letting you know that you have left the eList.
If you have additional questions, please email JCB IT Infrastructure, Security and Research
Cornell SC Johnson College of Business Helpdesk – – 607-255-6300