Interdepartmental Fee Change Request


The purpose of the Interdepartmental Fee Committee is to provide guidelines for requesting, reviewing and notifying campus of new or revised fees charged interdepartmentally across the Ithaca campus.  It will also ensure units can operate within the University environment successfully and provide needed goods or services to the campus consistently and fairly.


These guidelines have been developed by the Division of Budget & Planning (DBP) to aid the University in tracking changes to interdepartmental fees, and to formalize the creation, review and notification of fees levied across university departments.  The guidelines will assist units in making budget decisions, and ensure that fees will be recorded in conformance with generally accepted accounting practices.  These guidelines are not intended to supplant governance under recharge operations and service facilities as found in University Policy 3.10.


To submit a request to add or change an interdepartmental fee, please click on the "Request Service" button on the right.  A form will be displayed that will allow you to provide the appropriate information necessary to evaluate your request.