Check Status, Change, or Cancel a 25L Request

There are some fields that can be modified by an event requester until an event has been assigned a room and/ or the event has been confirmed.  If you need to modify an event and cannot, or need to cancel an event, please follow the steps below. 

  1. Log into Scheduling@Cornell
  2. Select Go To Search
  3. Select Events and Events You Have Requested
  4. Click on the name of the event you are inquiring about
  5. Select Task List
  6. Select More Actions
  7. Select Email Event
  8. Select Scheduler
    • If your name is under the Scheduler area, select Anyone with Assignment Tasks.  
  9. Select Event Confirmation (Detailed) as an Attachment
  10. Type in your question, cancellation request, or concern in the Message Body area
  11. Select Send