My Recently Visited Services

Phones and Networking

Share accessible from CNF general use, CNF Thin, conversion computers, and tool control computers.

CORAL is the CNF Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS).

NEMO is the CNF lab info mgmt system (LIMS)

CNF batch computing cluster

CAD layout software.

Macintosh OS support

CNF Poster Printer in the Cad Rm

CULearn is a learning management system for a variety of non-credit training across campus

Windows operating system.

Remote access to Linux systems from Windows.

Filesystem run by the CNF fileservers.

Computing requests for a service not listed.

Remote access to CNF Computing resources.

Video conferencing at CNF.

CNF Software tools not otherwise listed.

Subscription based access to Virtual Windows workstations similar to those in the CNF Cad Rm.

Printing to CNF printers via PaperCut and Net-Print.

Issues relating to CM3FP Employees and Staff such as access permissions.

Provisioning and deprovisioning of user accounts.

Questions on CM3FP Data Entry by CM3FP/RPL staff/student employees.